I hope this year is treating you right so far. Happy New Year! Let's chat about something we all think about this time of year—New Year's resolutions. Buckle up for some real talk about motivation and a few game-changing tips to turn those resolutions into reality. If you prefer to listen, check out the full podcast episode where we dive a bit deeper into this idea that motivation may not be enough for you to reach your goals.

Understanding Motivation:

Let's kick things off with a real talk about motivation. We've all been there—setting ambitious New Year's resolutions, fueled by that initial burst of motivation. It's like standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to jump into a new and improved version of ourselves. But here's the kicker: Is motivation the superhero we think it is? Does it stick around when things get tough?

Motivation, in my eyes, is that adrenaline rush when you set a goal. It's the internal fire that makes you feel like you can conquer anything—whether it's hitting the gym, starting a new project, or mastering an instrument. But let's be honest, how many times have we felt super motivated, only for it to vanish a few weeks in? That's the reality check we're diving into.

Pitfalls of Motivation:

Now, let's talk about the roller coaster ride that is motivation. Picture this: You're pumped up on Monday, ready to conquer the week. But by Wednesday, you're dragging yourself, fueled by coffee and energy drinks. It's not that your goals have changed; it's that motivation decided to take a break. It's like relying on a friend who's there for the party but MIA when you really need them.

So, here's the truth bomb: Depending solely on motivation sets us up for disappointment. It's like building a house on a shaky foundation. We need something more substantial to weather the storms and keep pushing towards our goals.

The Missing Pieces: Discipline and Habits:

Now, let's shift gears. We need to talk about discipline—our unsung hero. Discipline is that steady hand guiding us even when motivation is on vacation. And habits? They're the reliable routines that keep us moving forward, step by step, regardless of the motivation roller coaster.

Imagine building a fortress of discipline and habits, creating a structure that doesn't crumble when motivation decides to play hide and seek. It's not about relying on that fleeting feeling; it's about creating a foundation that stands the test of time.

Shifting to Being Driven:

Here's where the magic happens—shifting from being motivation-dependent to being purpose-driven. It's about infusing your health journey with a deeper sense of purpose, understanding your "why." Purpose isn't a luxury; it's your North Star guiding you through the darkest nights.

Think about it like this: Running on a treadmill is cool, but running towards a destination? That's purpose. Purpose transforms motivation into something unshakeable—unwavering determination. It's not just about chasing the "what"; it's about understanding the "why."

Power of Purpose: Lessons from Simon Sinek:

Ever heard of Simon Sinek's "Start With Why"? It's not just a catchy phrase; it's a philosophy that flips the script on success. It challenges us to start with our why—the deep-rooted reason behind our actions. And guess what? This isn't just for big corporations like Apple; it's a strategy for personal triumph.

Aligning your goals with a deeper purpose isn't just a feel-good mantra; it's a game-changer. It's about creating a narrative that goes beyond the surface, a story that resonates with the core of who you are. When your goals align with your purpose, motivation becomes a relentless force that can weather any storm.

Conclusion: Your Journey is a Narrative of Purpose:

As we wrap up, I want you to remember this: Your health journey is not just a checklist of goals; it's a narrative of purpose. Purpose isn't an accessory; it's the foundation upon which you build your dreams. So, let's not depend solely on motivation; let's discover our why, embrace discipline, and use purpose as our guiding light.

Folks, don't just chase the motivation dragon; build a sturdy ship with discipline and habits. If you're struggling to find your purpose, ask those tough questions. Your journey is a story waiting to unfold, and purpose is the ink that writes it. Thanks for tuning in, and remember, you're on a journey, not just a treadmill sprint. Let's make it count!


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